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Writer's pictureMade Agus

Spiritual Longing

"When a longing for spirituality begins to rise in a sadhaka (spiritual seeker), then the Hand of the Universe will bring him to a Guru figure to guide his path. According to the definition of Tantra Yoga, the Guru is God's consciousness itself."

Humans, from the time they are born to the period of time when their physical and conscious levels become higher, their development similar to a process of "animality" towards "divine consciousness". 

The term "animalistic" is not meant to be harsh but more to circumstances when a small child generally only relies on instinct to survive: eating, sleeping and moving nimbly and playing around.

As the children grow older and their awareness expanded, they begin to look for something else. Something more subtle nature such as happiness, peace, tranquility. This is what is known as the phase of “spiritual longing.”

There are many paths and many ways to get through this phase. Everything is adjusted to karma and level of consciousness. Lead teacher Yuni gives an example, God's consciousness is like sea water in a wide ocean. And human consciousness is like a bottle filled with the same sea water. However, because it was limited by the bottle, it later changed its name to 'human consciousness'. This bottle is called "Ego". The ego is what limits or separates God's consciousness from Human consciousness.

The spiritual path is a process of slowly eroding the ego so the water in the bottle will re-integrate with the water in the sea. In the Tantra Yoga concept, this process is known as Sadhana. And again, the individual who is doing this process is called Sadhaka.

What are the characteristics of a sadhaka? They relatively will have a stable mentality, firm on the path they are taking, have a clear direction as to where they want to set their feet, and be willing to make sacrifices for the highest goal, namely "Atman Morsatam Jagadhita Ya Ca." (True happiness and service to the universe).

May all yoga enthusiast be enlightened and all humans in the universe be happy,


Day: 17 Yin Yoga Teacher Training 200 Hrs

RYS Yin Yoga World

Monday, February 5 2024

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