In various literature about spiritual pursuits, it is often explained that it's very easy to enjoy the universe. The universe seems capable to provide everything to satisfy human desires.
It's often said, even angels and gods tempted of enjoying it. But ironically, some people want to end their lives quickly. This means they didn't find happiness anymore in this world.
So, is it true that this world provides everything humans are looking for?
Humans are created with multi layers of consciousness, from the coarsest to the finest. The people from the coarsest layers ofconsciousness say: “When I am hungry, I need to eat. Whatever it takes, even if I have to steal from other people." While the people from finest layers of consciousness say: “I am hungry and I have little food. But I saw an old man starving next to me. And I am willing to share food with him. Because I have compassion.” This is an example of how this layer of consciousness influences human behavior.
Many of us rely on "material" to get our happiness. Collect as much as possible, without being willing to share with others. Then, they get satisfaction and recognition of their achievements. They don't realize, the treasure that collected suddenly empty because they were tricked by a bad person. And stress comes. Then they started to get sick and suffer in old age. And visa versa..
At a finest level of consciousness, what happens in our life and our world is "enough" to enjoy. The characteristics of people who are already in this phase, everything they have and enjoy is not excessive. Everything is based on their needs. They simplify temporal desires. And began to direct their energy and search towards true happiness.
Can love increase consciousness? Is love still relevant nowadays?
Even though love still contains "attach to something", but, if love starts to touch the heart, many things will change. True love will grow a sense of Bhakti (devotion). This is what we need to increase awareness, from coarse to the finest. Love is the Hand of God which is able to dissolve the human ego. Love opens the door to happiness and leads humans to reach divine consciousness. Na'ma'ska'r.
Day: 19 Yin Yoga Teacher Training 200 Hrs
RYS Yin Yoga World
Wednesday, February 7 2024