When someone tries to comfort you when you are crying and says, "Don't cry, you have to be strong!" so actually he doesn't understand the art of shedding tears. One of the benefits of tears is to support crying. Crying without tears looks strange, doesn't it?
Crying is good, like an instant way to release negative energy. This is also a natural form of healing from within. But, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), prolonged repeated crying and sadness will weaken our body organs, especially the lungs and heart.
Why? Because sadness is closely related to that organ. Especially for men, whose youth are often sad, apart from crying, they usually need the help of alcohol to speed up the healing process. While crying in the corner of the room while drinking alcohol, and went straight to sleep. That's a powerful recipe for its time. Like it or not, it works!
But remember, the laws of nature: the abilities of our body have limits.
The day comes when you are getting old, let's say you are 45 years old and above. Your body will show complains such as catching colds easily, frequent coughing, asthma, skin drying out more quickly and getting wrinkles and so on. People who have money and want instant solutions will go to the doctor. So (usually) they are given (not all doctors are like this) chemical drugs and chemical supplements, from expensive to super expensive.
The complains disappear and come again, and again, not resolved optimally. In fact, the effects of chemical drugs will weaken the kidneys. Intellectuals usually prefer treatment or therapy that combines exercise and natural remedies. It will take longer to heal, but there's significant progress.
But unfortunately, people often don't have enough patience and end up returning to old habits. But a wise person will choose to find out what is the root of the complaint they are suffering from. Then, from there they solve it by synchronizing exercise hours, rest and taking the right medicines and supplements. Implement good habits and not against the laws of nature. Apparently, this is a smart solution to treat the disease properly.
Unfortunately, most people don't want to know or don't get the right information about diseases and the solutions. They do worship the trend that a slim body, stop consuming sugar, don't eat carbohydrates plus hard exercise at night is the best healthy solution.
For them, "fit" means can be awake until 2am in the morning so they can work longer at night. Another habit is they often immediately judge that big body equals to an unhealthy condition.
But for me, the definition of health is having a fit body and a new spirit to continue life.
I can sleep well at night. I able to adapt and keep my mind calm even in unpleasant times.
Self-balance is the main thing. And one more thing, don't believe in superstitions.
It can be concluded that people like this will be more beneficial to themselves and the people around them. Even though death is still a mystery, being healthy in old age is something that needs to be prepared from an early age.
Cry, for those who mourn and starve. Cry for people who have been oppressed, cry for the earth that has been destroyed. But remember, don't take too long, just 5 minutes. Don't dramatize it. Do your part, and bring back the joy, my friends!