When we plan something good, we often get lost in the idealism that the whole process will be beautiful, smooth and without obstacles.
But sometimes we forget one thing: a struggle. Almost all success stories start from struggle and work hard. Dare to be successfull means dare to stumble and even sometimes fall.
That's it! Today we start the struggle. Sleepy, tired, Bali's hot weather… we got through everything perfectly. Even though it's hard, we should give ourselves appreciation and applause because one day has passed. We did it!
For sure there're still the next following days require a powerful spirit to pass. As long as you whisper "I'm beyond grateful for this opportunity that made for me", there always be an open door to your success.
Thank you for our togetherness today. We hope the relationship of love that we present always brings new enthusiasm to accompany your little step of life journey. Na'ma'skar.